“Kudos to you for an amazing job 'well done'!
“Your article is impressive in its length and clear explanation, and the stats in the boxes are perfect for the bench and bar for quick take-aways. I love every inch of it! I want to include this article, if permission can be given, in my training materials, and would like to send it to NJIDV for including in our materials on the jump drive that we give participant judges for the national DV trainings. I'd also send it to the Family Violence judge advisory group inside the NCJFCJ.
“You have really elevated the discussion on this topic.”
The Honorable Janice M. Rosa
(New York Supreme Court Justice ret.) Pure Support LLC (commenting on my Court Review article) 2017
Victoria L. Lutz, Attorney at Law
As an expert witness, Vicki brings to a case the necessary education about interpersonal violence. People are more likely to be physically injured by a spouse than by a stranger. Additionally, many jurors still believe the myths that batterers must be mentally ill, or substance abuse causes domestic violence, or abuse victims have to be masochists, or battered women must be liars because they would have left their abusers if things were really as bad as they say.
Most people do not realize that sexual assault isn’t about sex but about violence. Most people do not understand that coercive control by an intimate partner isn’t about violence; but, rather, most often it is about a process of exerting power and control over the other person by intimidation, isolation, and multiple forms of abuse. Simply put, most people know more about their local sports teams than they do about interpersonal violence.
Victoria L. Lutz, Esq.
Attorney, Domestic Violence Expert Witness
Phone: 970-219-3768 Email: vicki@VictoriaLutzAttorney.com